2 May 2014

Preferring natural stiffness to natural flexibility

Ruusu Hulmi is a 31 year old photographer and a mother of two children, who has recently turned her life around for the pursuit of becoming a certified teacher of Iyengar yoga.
Ruusu distinguishes Iyengar yoga as 'engineer yoga' due to its detailed approach to understanding the human anatomy. Studying to be an Iyengar yoga teacher is a thorough process and takes at least five years. Finland is still lacking senior Iyengar yoga teachers and therefore all the teacher training instructors come from abroad.

Ruusu Hulmi
Ruusu appears very down to Earth about her relationship to yoga 'Yoga is fun and makes me feel good, that's about it'. Against common belief, Ruusu highlights that flexibility of the body is not a goal in itself in yoga. Ruusu's body has always been naturally very stiff and for a long time she used to consider this as a weakness. But once she got deeper into yoga, she found that in fact it is one of her strengths, making her body more sensitive to signals from within. 'For beginners in particular, it can be good to first have a stiff body, letting your flexbility augment in the same pace along with your strength and technique'.

There were many things that made Ruusu fall in love with Iyengar yoga after having been an Ashtanga practitioner for years. By Reading Ruusu's story you will see that whether you are flexible or not does not make any difference, everybory finds their way to yoga! Ruusu also reveals to us other fascinating benefits of trying out Iyengar yoga.
Tiina & Sofia

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